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Impact of Covid on Key Learning and Education (ICKLE) – Stakeholder consultation and co-production of resources

Dr Paula Clarke

School of Education, Faculty of Social Science

Responsive Mode


Our research has shown that children who started formal education at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic have been significantly impacted by school disruption. Teachers, caregivers and children from 10 Leeds schools have so far contributed to this research; now wider stakeholder consultation is needed. This project has three aims. The first is to interpret project findings with educators, council representatives and families to produce recommendations for school policy. The second is to produce new guidance, and collate existing resources for teachers and families to use in supporting children’s reading development. The third is to establish a national network of stakeholders to share project outputs with and collaborate with in setting future research priorities. Project activities include stakeholder consultations, creating a presentation and animation to communicate key research findings, gathering feedback using online forms, creating a repository of resources, and a workshop. Impacts of these activities will be societal. Practices of primary school teachers and parents of young children will develop through improved access to free resources and guidance. Schools, local council and national policymakers will use recommendations in the short term and in the event of future schooling disruption, to develop home-school partnership, inclusion, school library and reading policies.