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Immersive Impact Narratives for Large Scale Social Science Data

Dr Faisal Mushtaq, Faculty of Medicine & Health, School of Psychology

Knowledge Exchange Fellowships

Large-scale datasets hold great promise for social science research, but their size and heterogeneity also bring significant technical challenges to interpretation. The construction of narratives to engage audiences can present a further challenge. This issue is compounded when “black box” machine learning methods are employed to analyse the data.

The Centre for Immersive Technologies (CfIT) will collaborate with Immersive Networks (ImN), a team of experts in developing cultural narratives for engaging audiences using data-driven immersive experiences. We will use data from the Born in Bradford project (one of the world’s largest longitudinal studies, tracking the lives of 13,818 children), as a prototype vehicle.

Interviews with stakeholders will include local and central government policy makers, social & civic agencies and front-line practitioners. A series of co-creation sprints will address three different data sets and research questions. We will co-produce a set of methodologies, developed through the completion of the three case studies, that enable social scientists to use immersive narratives to maximise the scientific communication and impact of large-scale social science.

Dr Faisal Mushtaq can be contacted by email: