Pump-prime Funding Available
For Collaborative Research Projects Between University of Leeds & University of Buenos Aires
The LSSI, in collaboration with the Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani (IIGG), organised an online workshop, on the 20th October 2022 aimed at connecting researchers from the University of Leeds (UoL) and the University of Buenos Aires (UBA).
The workshop was designed to spearhead the development of ideas for collaborative pump-prime research activities between researchers at the two universities. Up to £6,000 per project is available to pump-prime research activities - larger awards would be considered in exceptional circumstances and judged on their merits.
This pump-prime research award is intended to support collaborative small-scale proof-of-concept/pilot research projects (data generation/analysis) where the activity will either catalyse the development of collaborative research proposals to be submitted to high-esteem funders (national and international funders), generate collaborative research outputs, or support the collaborative delivery of impact-related activities from previous research projects.
The funding could also support the development of networks and collaborations across the UoL and the UBA (for example through hosting a conference or workshop) where this activity will result in the submission of funding applications and/or a high-quality journal special issue(s).
Eligible costs would normally include items such as the costs of travel and accommodation, field visits, data collection or analysis, translation services, facilitation services, organisation costs, temporary (UG/PGT) research support, and activity to develop research collaborations and/or international mobility. Staff buy-out, core funding for permanent posts and overheads are not eligible.
You do not have to have taken part in the workshop to apply for this funding but you would need to have at least one research collaborator from UBA. Please click HERE for the application form.
Proposals are to be sent to Cheryl Harris at C.A.Harris@leeds.ac.uk by 5PM, on the 2nd of December 2022 and decisions will be notified by the 16th of December, 2022.