LIDA Data Scientist Development Programme
Leeds Social Sciences Institute funds one Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA) Data Scientist Development Programme (DSDP) post. The current application period is to be announced.
The programme will provide social science undergraduate and Masters students and career changers with the opportunity to collaborate with an academic project team and an external organisation to own and deliver a specific research project.
The academic supervisory team will work with businesses or public sector organisations to devise a research question which will use real-world data to target urgent social challenges, in addition to providing guidance and mentorship to the data scientist. The projects will vary dependent on the organisation and academics involved, but this might include the analysis or visualisation of data (e.g. quantitative, qualitative or ‘big data’) or the formulation of engagement and outreach working with the local community.
Proposals will need to:
· Engage with an external partner over a social data science problem to maximise the impact and influence of their research on non-academic beneficiaries and to foster non-academic stakeholder engagement;
· Comply with the LIDA Data Scientist Development Programme guidance released in their annual Call for Proposals (Feb-March);
Recruitment for staff data scientists to carry out the project work will be carried out by Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA) and advertised via the University of Leeds jobs pages as Grade 5 training and development posts. All data scientists will be hosted by LIDA and receive mentorship, technical training, and career development opportunities.