White Rose Social Sciences Doctoral Training Partnership
The White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership (WRDTP) is a collaboration across the social sciences at the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield, York, Bradford, Sheffield Hallam, Hull and Manchester Metropolitan, which was accredited by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) in 2016.
The WRDTP delivers excellent supervision, cutting-edge interdisciplinary research and transferable skills training, and is a world-class intellectual environment for postgraduate research students. It supports PhD students to participate in local, national and international networks of leading academics, non-academic partners, opinion formers, and policy makers. The WRDTP aims to produce doctoral graduates with outstanding skills and flexibility, with the imagination to tackle the thorniest challenges confronting the social sciences.
The WRDTP offer a range of social sciences PhD studentships starting in September/October each year across partner universities. To find out more please visit the WRDTP website
ESRC WRDTP Studentships at the University of Leeds
Key contacts:
The Academic Lead for the White Rose DTP at Leeds is Edward Newman
The DTP at Leeds is supported by a Co-ordinator Natalie Jackson, who can be contacted on n.c.jackson@leeds.ac.uk
Queries relating to studentships are dealt with by Shirley Yeadon in the Postgraduate Scholarships Office (s.yeadon@adm.leeds.ac.uk). Shirley is the ESRC nominated contact for the University of Leeds.
Academic Quality Committee:
The White Rose DTP is managed by an Academic Quality Committee (AQC). The AQC consists of representatives from the 7 partner institutions.