Seven Projects Awarded Pump-Prime Funding

Collaborative Research Projects Between University of Leeds & University of Buenos Aires
The LSSI, in collaboration with the Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani (IIGG) in Buenos Aires, are delighted to support 7 pump prime projects involving researchers at UBA and UoL. Earlier in October 2022, the LSSI and IIGG organised a well attended online workshop, to connect researchers from the University of Leeds (UoL) and the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and to support the development of collaborative project ideas. Building on the success from the workshop, the competitive Pump prime funding announced in October, received significant interests and resulted in a large number of strong proposals. The pump-prime research award is intended to catalyse the development of collaborative research proposals to be submitted to high-esteem funders, generate collaborative research outputs, or support the collaborative delivery of impact-related activities.
The 7 funded projects are:
1. Racism, Xenophobia and Sexism in the Intersection of Security and Migration: A Global North-South Comparison in Post-Pandemic Times, led by Dr Deirdre Conlon, (School of Geography).
2. Contested food landscapes led by Dr Sara Gonzalez, (School of Geography).
3. Artivist Crossings for Climate Justice: Novel Interdisciplinary Methods for Inclusive Environmental Change, led by Dr Martin Zebracki (School of Geography).
4. Gender, class and digital futures of work: A pilot study with women delivery workers in Delhi, India and Buenos Aires, Argentina, led by Dr Asiya Islam, (LUBS).
5. Youth Activism in Educational Spaces, led by Madeleine Le Bourdon, (POLIS).
6. The New Far Right and Its Uses of the Past: A Comparative Study of the UK and Argentina, led by Dr Anna Grimaldi, (POLIS).
7. Disability friendships: Exchanging perspectives between Leeds and Buenos Aires, led by Prof Angharad Beckett, (Sociology and Social Policy).