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LSSI Internal Updates & Opportunities March 2023


We produce a monthly internal updates and opportunities bulletin, if you are a University of Leeds student or member of staff,  you can also sign up to our mailing list.

Contents of the March bulletin listed below:


- ESRC IAA Funding
- IAA Call For Proposals
- Co-production Network Event and Launch of Co-production Research Toolkit
- Three Social Science Institutes Discuss 3 grand challenges over 3 days
- Understanding belonging in a local context
- Breaking Barriers - Social and Data Science Workshop
- Innovation forum - a workshop to explore the theme of place in Leeds
- Commercialising Research out of Social Science Workshop 1
- Rethinking travel behaviour modelling in the era of emerging data sources


- Future Leaders Fellowships Round 8
- Arts and humanities led research commercialisation
- ADR England research community catalysts


- Engaging Policymakers in WASH (Water, Sanitation & Health)

To access the full March bulletin click here.