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Opportunity to join ESRC's Grant Assessment Panels


The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) are looking for new members to join their Grant Assessment Panels. The vacancies include 8 Academic members, 3 User members and 1 vacancy for Chair.

The role of the Grant Assessment Panels is to appraise proposals submitted under the responsive mode schemes and classify them by grade according to procedures and criteria approved and overseen by Council, which has responsibility for the schemes.

The role of academic panel members is to assess and score the proposals allocated to them in light of the reviewers’ comments and principal investigator (PI) response to reviewers' comments, bringing their own expertise to the assessment, rather than simply summarising the peer review.

User panel members comment on proposals and participate in panel discussions, but do not formally score proposals. User members are not restricted to commenting on impact and knowledge exchange considerations, since their expertise may equip them to comment on the substance of the research.

How to apply

Applications are open until Friday 7th May at 5pm.

Please follow this link to the ESRC website to find out more