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'Linking Leeds' Seminar - 13 March 2019

Wednesday 13 March 2019


In order to help build a richer connection between the academic and policy worlds, the Leeds Social Sciences Institute (LSSI) at the University of Leeds, and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) have developed a new seminar series: Linking Leeds.

This seminar series will provide an opportunity to hear from both leading Social Scientists at the University of Leeds as well as prominent analysts, strategists and policy makers from the Department for Work and Pensions.

At this event, we will hear from Christina Beatty, Professor of Applied Economic Geography at Sheffield Hallam University, on 'The Uneven Impact of Welfare Reform'. The seminar will be followed by a 30 minute question and answer session. Lunch will be provided.

If you have any dietary or access requirements, or any further questions about the Linking Leeds seminar series, please contact LSSI Coordinator, Hannah Crow (



The uneven impact of welfare reform on places and people

 Professor Christina Beatty

Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research Sheffield Hallam University

Welfare reform has been a defining feature of contemporary UK Government policy. The intention is to create a welfare system which is fit for the 21st century; however, post-2010 welfare reforms reduce entitlement and restrict eligibility across a range of working age benefits. Evidence will be presented on the uneven cumulative impact of welfare reform across the country, by household types and tenure. The extent to which areas facing the brunt of welfare reform are the same places that have experienced the destruction of industrial jobs since the 1980s will also be examined.