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Link Seminar: Geographies of Volunteering and Work - Participation and Gamification

Wednesday 13 September 2023, 13:00 - 14:00

In the first seminar of the 23/24 Link Seminar series, we are delighted to welcome Professor Sarah Mills from Loughborough University.

 Title: Geographies of Volunteering and Work: Participation and Gamification

Abstract: This talk provides an overview of recent research on the boundaries between volunteering and work, including youth work contexts. It then focuses on current debates and emerging trends in relation to gamification, including the growth of digital rewards for participation and volunteering. This includes virtual currency, paid reward systems, and in some cases, the use of gambling-style systems. The presentation will share emerging trends on digital interfaces that incentivise volunteering and/or work, providing a discussion of the benefits and challenges in this area.

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