Disability - Network Members
- Gauthier de Beco, Lecturer in disability law (Education/employment, social inequalities)
- John Halsall, Touchstone Community Development Service (Improving the mental health and wellbeing of BME people living in Leeds)
- Sue Kilminster, School of Healthcare (Mental health, social justice, stigma and discrimination)
- Professor Anna Lawson, School of Law (Disability rights and law, human rights)
- Bryan Matthews, Institute for Transport Studies (Transport access and social exclusion, technologies to support older and disabled people's travel)
- Dr Ghazala Mir, Leeds Institute of Health Sciences (Reducing health inequalities in excluded groups)
- Professor Mark Priestley, School of Sociology and Social Policy (Social and public policy, disability policy, EU social policy, welfare states)
- Frederike Scholz, Leeds University Business School (Disabled people, discrimination, labour markets)
- Dr Sarah Woodin, School of Mechanical Engineering (Disability, accessibility, disability policy, independent living)