Consumer Data Research Centre - Priority Places for Food Index
The Consumer Data Research Centre at the University of Leeds have been working in partnership with Which? to identify the places in the UK where people are most likely to need support in accessing affordable food.‘Priority Places for Food Index’, a project led by Dr Michelle Morris. The index uses data across a range of relevant dimensions to rank local areas by the likelihood of the people living there needing support.
These places have been identified by creating theCrucially, the 'Priority Places for Food Index' makes it possible to identify places in need and also to understand why they have been so identified, whether because of a lack of retail provision, poor access to online supermarket deliveries, or high levels of deprivation and need.
Michelle Morris, Associate Professor Nutrition and Lifestyle Analytics, University of Leeds explains: “With so many people in the UK already suffering from food insecurity and the cost of living crisis making that much worse, we need to do all that we can to support those most in need to access affordable, healthy and sustainable foods.
Our interactive map makes it easy to identify neighbourhoods most in need of support and highlights the main reasons that they need this support, recognising that one size does not fit all and that tailored help is required.”
“The index is being used by Which? as part of their Affordable Food For All campaign. CDRC and Which? will be working together to engage with the food industry and policy makers to help them use the tool to help our communities, both nationally and locally.”
For further information or to discuss how your organisation can use the Priority Places for Food Index please contact