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Breaking Barriers: Social and Data Sciences


On 8 March, we held our first LSSI Breaking Barriers event, bringing together colleagues from the data and social sciences from across the University. The event was designed to break down the barriers which can inhibit being able to work across very different disciplinary areas - helping people find common ground, and gain a better understanding of the approaches, methods and values other researchers use. We looked at what expertise each group of researchers could offer the other - and which motivations and skills already overlap.  By looking at their own expertise and learning more about that of others participants could find new areas of complementarity between different disciplinary areas to use to respond to future interdisciplinary collaboration opportunities. This workshop was funded by ESRC IAA.

Are you interested in breaking down barriers between disciplinary areas and want to shape support for interdisciplinary research? If so, get in touch with Alison Lundbeck ( to discuss.