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Co-production Videos

Performing Change Forum Theatre - Julia Martin-Ortega

Julia Martin-Ortega, Professor in the School of Earth and Environment and Silvia Olvera-Hernandez, PhD Researcher in the School of Earth and Environment, discuss the Performing Change project. The project uses forum theatre as a creative participatory methodology to engage with marginalised voices in environmental decision-making in Chiapas, Mexico.

Imagining Posthuman Care - Amelia DeFalco

Amelia DeFalco, Associate Professor in the School of English, discusses the 'Imagining Posthuman Care' project. Working with the Thackray Museum of Medicine in Leeds to host an exhibition called ‘Can Robots Care?’

Queer Memorials - Martin Zebracki

Martin Zebracki, Associate Professor of Critical Human Geography discusses the ‘Queer Memorials: International Comparative Perspectives on Sexual Diversity and Social Inclusivity (QMem)’ project.

PanMeMic Interaction in the Pandemic - Elisabetta Adami

Elisabetta Adami, Associate Professor in Multimodal Communication, discusses The PanMeMic project. The project used various social media platforms to gather people from all across the world to understand the changes in interaction and communication from the COVID- 19 pandemic.

Co-Producing Digital Heritage - Gehan Selim

Professor Gehan Selim discusses the research project ‘The Living Museum of Umm Qais’. Working with local community and heritage professionals in Jordan to enhance the local tourism economy and preserve the site’s unique cultural heritage.

Body Mapping and Embodied Storytelling - Sahala Aroussi

Professor Sahla Aroussi discusses her work using bodymapping. Body mapping uses the body as a research site and engages emotions and bodily experiences – it encourages participants to look at the strength within themselves and hence it is empowering”

Engaging Policymakers in WASH (Water, Sanitation & Health) - Barbara Ev

Barbara Evans, Professor of Public Health Engineering, works with policymakers to understand how we can articulate to politicians the level
of risk associated with not having adequate sanitation.

Shantytowns and the City - Jim House

‘Shanty Towns and the City: Colonial Power Relations in Algiers and Casablanca 1919 to 1960’: this project works with communities and local community activists, historians, and journalists in areas that have been stigmatized, and also with people who grew up in the shanty towns in the 1940s and 1950s to explore their memories of the struggle for independence.

Trailer for Co-production Event

Find out what is to come at the launch of the Co-production Research Toolkit and networking event.