Co-production Network - Previous Activities
Seminars - Engaged Research: Rethinking the Co-Production of Knowledge
As part of the creation of the Co-production Network, the Network delivered a series of online interdisciplinary seminars entitled “Engaged Research: Rethinking the Co-Production of Knowledge”. The series was jointly coordinated by Leeds Social Sciences Institute (LSSI) and Leeds Art and Humanities Research Institute (LAHRI). The seminars focused on improving the understanding of research co-production and its application and implications across disciplines. The sessions explored the contribution that co-production, engaged research and citizen science can have in addressing complex societal challenges, as well as further exploring the meaning, purposes and challenges of co-produced research, and created a forum for different disciplines to come together to share experiences, learning and best practice. The seminars aimed to identify priorities to help improve how co-production approaches might be supported and integrated into wider approaches to research and knowledge exchange.
Materials created by the network are now hosted on the University's Engaged Research MS Teams Channel. To join the channel, and view the recordings, University of Leeds colleagues can click here.
Launch Event - Co-production Research Toolkit
In March 2023 we held an event to launch the Co-production Research Toolkit. This was a chance for us to share examples of co-produced research projects with the attendees and rejuvenate the Co-production Network at Leeds. A morning of presentations showcasing some of the projects in the toolkit was followed by a quickfire panel discussion, where panelists reflected on the morning's presentations and discussed the challenges and opportunities that co-production presents. Panel members also discussed what co-production work is already taking place in their disciplinary areas of research, and we asked the audience what support they would like to see offered in the future.