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Blagovesta Techeva

School of Politics and International Studies, Faculty of Social Science

FiT Food: Increasing consumers’ understanding of healthy foods using food labelling and game-based learning technologies

PGR Placement

This “knowledge transfer” project involves stakeholders in Public health nutrition at Regional and National Level, in addition to a European App Development Company. The overall project aims to enable practitioners and academics to apply the current evidence- base in the areas of nutrition/food labelling and game-based learning technologies whilst working in partnership with developers to optimise the game App “Fit Food”.

The aim of the project is to help improve the learning power and impact of the “Fit Food” App, which seeks to increase consumers’ understanding of healthy foods and empower their use of nutrition label information on food packaging. The project is supported by Dr Sally Moore, a Registered Dietitian and Industry engagement Teaching Fellow at the School of Food Science and Nutrition.